The 5 Best Ways to Teach Job Skills

Some managers provide ambiguous directions to employees only to be disappointed with the outcome.  To ensure that your employees understand how to do a task, they need to understand why. Follow these guidelines for better training experiences for both you and your staff. 

  1. Focus on the Big Picture:  Explain the big picture and why it's important. Obviously, this position exists to help the organization meet its goals and objectives. Take this opportunity to establish a sense of pride and worth in the employee. Let them know how their job makes a difference to the overall objectives of the organization. Describe the big picture and tell them why you're asking them to do things in a specific way.

  2. Provide step-by-step directions. Depending on the position, this may be very specific or quite general. The important point is to be as clear as possible outlining Step 1, Step 2, and so forth. 

  3. Use Graphics:  When possible, use graphics to review the employee's job, and help them understand the flow of the work. You can use a job scorecard or job description as reference, or flowcharts or graphic aids such as manuals with pictures, posters, and step-by-step directions. These simple reference tools are useful for employees as they're performing their job.

  4. Demonstrate the job:  Allow employees to learn by doing. Watch them and provide feedback so they can fine-tune their performance. 

  5. Encourage questions: Ask the employee to repeat what has just been taught and be clear about when the employee can use independent judgment, or when certain specific guidelines must be followed.

By following these guidelines, you’ll ensure your staff completes assignments in the right way and you’ll build trust and credibility in the process.  take the next step and try our Seven Essential Skills training modules, pick the modules of your choice or complete them all at a discounted prices!

Excerpted from i2i Workplace’s Coaching module.  Click here for more information and follow us on social media for weekly managerial tips!


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